Le CJN est une association regroupant les néphrologues francophones de moins de 41 ans, qui propose de nombreuses activités intéressantes et utiles.
Notez que Gwenaëlle Roussey sera la prochaine intervenante, et que sa présentation sera dispo pour les adhérents !
Je remets l'adresse du site https://www.cjnephro.com/ et je dévoile l'info un peu avant tout le monde mais une application sera disponible d'ici un mois sur Apple et Androïd, pour retrouver notamment les Bibliographies des Jeunes Néphro (un article lu et résumé par semaine) partout où vous le souhaitez.
Nous n'avons pas de néphropédiatre actuellement dans le comité scientifique, et pour rappel on est "jeune" jusqu'à la veille de son 41è anniversaire.
La Société Française de Pédiatrie est la société savante des pédiatres exerçant en cabinet privé, à l’hôpital, dans les services médico-sociaux (PMI) ou en clinique.
Notre association se donne pour but de développer la néphrologie dans toutes ses dimensions de soins, recherche, formation. Elle se veut l’interlocuteur des autorités de santé françaises, des néphrologues francophones, des professionnels de santé et des associations de patients.
The aim of the Society is to promote research knowledge of paediatric nephrology through teaching, scientific meetings and other methods, for the benefit of children with renal disease.
Founded in 1967, the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology or ESPN, is the professional association for those researching or delivering care for children with kidney disease within Europe. We include the geographical definition of Europe and are not limited by the European Union though we link with some of the EU initiatives, such as ERKNet.
An annual meeting of the ESPN takes place every autumn. Currently, every 3 years this is combined with the tri-annual meeting of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. The officers of the ESPN are the President and Assistant President who serve a 3-year term, extendable for a further 2 years, a treasurer and a council who are elected every 3 years.
The International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) is a global, 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization that believes that all children deserve to be healthy and receive optimal treatment and care for kidney disease regardless of their economic level or political choice. IPNA facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise without barriers, does not discriminate and is committed to international understanding. Through our programs, IPNA works to disseminate knowledge about kidney disease in children in the areas where care is needed most, and IPNA is the ONLY organization in the world today providing these services for children with kidney disease.
We teach and train through fellowships, teaching courses, junior classes and more. When one IPNA doctor trains 100 doctors in a developing country, thousands of children receive care, and lives are saved. While the impact of our programs leads to positive outcomes, the value of having access to just one IPNA- trained doctor is absolutely immeasurable to a family who is desperately trying to save their child’s life.
Dans le but constant d'améliorer la qualité de vie et la prise en charge des enfants atteints d'insuffisance rénale chronique, l'APNP a pour objectifs :